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Reverse Osmosis is one of the most popular and oldest separation techniques in water purification. It is used to purify water for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Reverse Osmosis is an effective and economical technology that removes a variety of impurities from water. In this blog, we discuss the meaning of an industrial reverse osmosis plant and how it works to provide you with a basic understanding of the whole process.

What is RO Plant?

RO Plant Meaning: An industrial reverse osmosis plant (RO) is water treatment technology that uses a semi-permeable membrane to remove impurities, suspended particles, and contaminants from water. In the industrial RO plant, water is forced through the membrane under pressure for only water molecules to pass through, restraining minerals, dissolved salts, and other contaminants. This results in purified, high-quality water known as ‘permeate,’ and the rejected impurities are known as ‘brine.’ Ravi Industries Private Limited is a leading industrial RO plant manufacturer in India offering a wide range of industrial RO treatment solutions customized and configured per water quality needed for specific applications like drinking water, broiler feeding, food processing, or pharmaceutical. We cater to all your water treatment requirements.

How Reverse Osmosis Plant Works?

The reverse osmosis plant process is a treatment technology that works through a sediment filter, carbon filter, and semi-permeable membrane. Below is the industrial RO plant working principle:

Prefiltration: This RO plant process includes two prefilters that filter out larger particles like sediments and chlorines. Water passes through the sediment filter to get rid of particles like rust, dirt, and dust particles. Later, the water flows through the activated carbon filter to remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), organic matter, and chlorine.

Reverse Osmosis: In this step of the industrial RO plant working principle, a pump sends water through a semi-permeable membrane that traps particles that are difficult to remove. This stage of reverse osmosis removes the major dissolved solids in the water.

Drainage: The next step is drainage, which involves spending the removed impurities on drainage. This step is highly crucial as contaminants build up on the membrane and could impact its effectiveness. Draining the impurities ensures the RO system is working optimally and efficiently.

Storage: The fast stage is storing the water for eventual use. The storage vessel is a massive pressured container that is used to store the treated water. The treated water is sometimes passed through an additional filter to remove any impurities.

Industrial RO is one of the most valuable water treatment technologies in the industrial sector, and it has helped various industries treat water for their different purposes. For the best industrial reverse osmosis systems, count on Ravi Enviro Industries Private Limited. We are a trusted water treatment plant company in India that is pioneering in water treatment solutions.

We ensure quality, turnkey systems, and access to expert assistance. Our industrial RO systems purify the water, reduce alkalinity and water hardness to reduce cost, and keep energy consumption low. Apart from RO plants, we also design and manufacture various water treatment systems, including STP plants, ETP plants, UF plants, and much more. REIPL is your one destination for all your water treatment requirements. Call us to discuss your WWTP requirements.

Also check:- Top Key Components of Industrial RO Plant



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