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The ultrafiltration system (UF) is an efficient filtration process that removes particulate and suspended solids from water. It is a physical filtration system that uses a membrane with precise size pores to filter specific particles and large molecules from water. The ultrafiltration membrane is a low-pressure membrane that eliminates turbidity-causing matter like bacteria, viruses, colloid material, suspended solids, and protein. In this blog, we discuss what ultrafiltration is and how it works, shedding light on its importance in water treatment systems.

What is Ultrafiltration?

Ultrafiltration meaning: Ultrafiltration is a water treatment process in which water is forced through a semipermeable membrane. Suspended solids, particles, contaminants, and impurities stay on one side of the membrane in the ultra filtration water treatment plant, while water and low-molecular-weight solutes are filtered through the membrane to the other permeate side.

How Does Ultrafiltration Work?

The UF plants work similarly to other water treatment systems. Ultrafiltration is used in drinking water systems to filter out particles as small as 0.025 microns. Below are the working of ultrafiltration system:

  • Water passes through a sediment filter in which the porosity of the filter allows it to collect suspended particles.
  • The carbon filter in the UF plant removes undesired taste and odour.
  • Contaminants, suspended particles, and solids are removed through a media filter.
  • The membrane works as a barrier to colloids, ions, and metal.
  • Water runs alongside the membrane surface, where two streams are produced.
  • Suspended solid and high-molecular-weight solutes stay on one side of the membrane, the retentate side, while water and low-molecular-weight solutes are filtered through the membrane to the permeate side.

This is how ultrafiltration works. The pore size of the membrane ranges from 0.01 to 0.1 microns. When water enters the UF plants, the pore size determines which particles are held in the membrane surface and which particles flow through. The UF filter work in which valuable minerals and water molecules smaller than the pore sizes pass through.

Also read: Difference Between Reverse Osmosis And Ultrafiltration

Benefits of Ultrafiltration Plants

  • Compactness of and easy automation of the plant
  • High-quality water with energy efficient
  • Consist of quality of water and superior grade of treated water
  • Low maintenance and high performance
  • No need for chemicals apart from cleaning
  • Capable of meeting regulatory standards of water quality.


Ultrafiltration can be used to remove particulates and macromolecules from raw molecules to produce purified potable water. UF plants ensure the removal of silt density index (SDI) bacteria, colloidal silica, fine sand, bacteria, and viruses. Ravi Enviro Industries is a leading water treatment plant supplier in India. Our PTFE UF plants ensure the highest purity level and safety. Our UF systems are equipped with ultrafine membranes and accurate pore size for optimum removal of suspended particles to meet water quality standards. We also provide WWTP plant equipment and offer maintenance and supervisory services. Call us today to learn more about our comprehensive range of services and turnkey products



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